Why I'm Not Taking the "Silly" Holidays for Granted—and You Shouldn't Either!


Before having Ellis, I never put much thought into the “silly” holidays. St. Patrick’s Day was an excuse to drink Guinness at the closest “Irish” pub (it 100% tastes better in Ireland by the way), Valentine’s Day was an excuse to eat a bunch of candy and splurge at a nice restaurant, and the rest didn’t really phase me unless they got me a day off.

But now that I have a daughter, they’re starting to mean a little more to me. I read an article from Mother.ly soon after Ellis was born about how we only have 18 summers with our kids before they go off on their own adventures, so we need to make the most of them now. It tugs on your heartstrings a little, huh? It did with me, and I’ve started to think that this sentiment should be applied to all things throughout the year—even those “silly” holidays. Even if they don’t remember every single one, YOU will. You will remember when their little face lights up when they come home with Valentines, when they demand to wear green on St. Patrick’s Day so they don’t get pinched, or when it’s the first day of summer and you all play hooky to go to the beach to celebrate (just us?).

This is why I’ve decided to go all out for Ellis’ first Valentine’s Day by partnering with Basic Invite to create personalized Valentines for our friends and family and spread the fun! I have to say, I’ve worked with card/invitation sites before, but never had the customization features that Basic Invite has. You literally can take any design and change it to match your color needs or theme. I loved that I could match mine to Ellis’ outfit—I usually have to upload my own design to get that clean look (Basic Invite has this feature too!) but it was nice to have the option right there in front of me. And bonus, you can customize the envelopes to match too!

It makes me wish I used them for our shower—I mean, how cute are these custom baby shower invitations?! I guess I’ll have to step up my game for her first birthday party (yes, I’m already planning so I can ignore the fact that she’ll be a year old soon 😭). Anyways, if you’d like to join me in celebrating Valentine’s Day (or those other “silly” holidays), Basic Invite is offering 15% off during the month of January with COUPON CODE: 15FF51.

*Code still works for 2020!


Keep following along for more of our “silly” holiday fun!


*Disclosure: this post is sponsored by Basic Invite. Learn more about Wyles Travels’ partners.