Toddler Ice Cream Cone Costume DIY

Toddler Ice Cream Cone Costume DIY

As you may have seen on Instagram, Ellis is an ice cream cone for Halloween this year! It’s part of a bigger family costume that I’ll share very soon, but I think this could easily stand on its own for any toddler. It’s also very easy to make if you’re Halloween plans are very last minute this year.

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Fun Ideas for Baby’s First Easter Basket

Fun Ideas for Baby’s First Easter Basket

Easter is coming and I’m super stoked about it. And it’s 100% because I have a kid to celebrate it with. Despite my kid being too young to even understand what’s going on or enjoy it like the older kids will. However, I want to start all of our holiday traditions early, so I challenged myself to come up with ways my infant can enjoy Easter like the big kids—starting with what to put in her Easter basket!

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8 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a Baby

8 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a Baby

Richard and I have never celebrated Valentine’s Day the traditional way. My birthday is two weeks later so we either wait to do something then or combine the celebrations in some way—usually a trip somewhere. Hey, any excuse to travel, right?

Well, with a 7 (almost 8) month old, it’s a little harder to plan some grand winter adventure as spouses. So, we’re keeping it low-key this year and since its Ellis’ first, we decided to celebrate as a family—and I’m sharing some of the ideas we have brewing to make the day (well weekend after) special!

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