Fun Ideas for Baby’s First Easter Basket

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Easter is coming and I’m super stoked about it. And it’s 100% because I have a kid to celebrate it with. Despite my kid being too young to even understand what’s going on or enjoy it like the older kids will. However, I want to start all of our holiday traditions early, so I challenged myself to come up with ways my infant can enjoy Easter like the big kids—starting with what to put in her Easter basket!


The Basket—I’m that mom. I wanted a custom Easter basket with Ellis’ name on it. I also didn’t want a traditional wicker/wooden basket. We have cats who will see it as a scratching toy and we have very little storage to begin with, so we needed one that could fold up easily. I found the cutest one at Potterybarn Kids. I know, you’re thinking high price tag. Nope, I got it for $25 (+$10 for the embroidered name) and it’s more durable than most baskets I’ve come across (P.S. they’re on sale right now!). Plus, it’s super soft and adorable. Fair warning: it is on the smaller size.

Bath Toys—Ellis is starting to play more during bath time and we noticed she was getting interested in the toys they give her during her swim lessons, so I figured Easter was the perfect time to get some. We got these cute pour buckets from Target. I figured they would help her be less scared of getting water on her head if she was doing the pouring—we’ll see!

Developmental Toys—even though Ellis is refusing to crawl, she’s a master at sitting up to play. However, I want to get her scooting at least so she can start pulling herself up on the furniture more and get moving. So, I got her these Winnie the Pooh Go Grippers for her to grab and push around. They have other Disney characters to choose from, but I couldn’t pass on Winnie the Pooh!

Beach Gear—summer’s coming and if you plan to head to the beach with your new babe, might as well get prepared early. Some basic items to consider:

  • Bathing suit

  • Towel

  • Sand toys

  • Swim diaper—I love these!

  • Baby sunscreen

  • Sun hat

Teethers—you can’t go wrong with a good teether at this age. We actually ended up getting two for the occasion. One is on theme and is a carrot (how cute is this?) and the other is a pineapple. We were recently reminiscing about our babymoon in Hawaii and couldn’t pass it up when we saw it at Target minutes later.

Toy Tethers—these were my husband’s idea and I have to say it was brilliant. We were getting annoyed with Ellis always throwing her toys on the ground when were out and about, so he ordered these awesome baby toy tethers from Amazon. These technically aren’t part of her Easter basket, but I figured you might enjoy them as much as we do to add them to yours this year. Bonus—since the tethers are made of silicone, they act as their own set of teethers when you’re in a bind.

New Clothes—new spring lines are already out, so why not use Easter as an excuse to pick up some cute new outfits. Besides, let’s face it, they’ll be outgrowing their current ones soon enough 😭

Books—Ellis’ bookshelf may be already overflowing, but I’ll never pass up the opportunity to add some new ones. Here are some of my Easter faves:

First Children’s Bible—since we’re talking about books, I don’t want to talk about Easter without bringing up the reason we have the holiday to begin with. Disclaimer—I am not a super religious person. I was raised Christian and typically lean that way, but I believe everyone has their own unique perspective on the whole thing and that should be respected. However, I do believe my daughter should know why we honor the holiday and have an  understanding of Christianity so she can make her own decisions when she’s older. So, we plan to give her first children’s bible on Easter. There are plenty to choose from, but we picked this one because it’s written to also help kids learn to read (which the English major in me loves!).


Filling the Easter Eggs

When I was a kid, I loved opening the little plastic eggs in my basket (or after a hunt!) to see what was inside. It was mostly candy. Since Ellis is too young for sweets, I came up with a couple alternatives that I’m excited about:

  • College Cash—we recently opened a college fund for Ellis and try to contribute to it whenever we can. Each Easter we plan to hide “college cash” in our kids’ eggs to let them know that their college fund is growing.

  • Family Activity Membership—experiences are so much better than things! Why not gift a family membership somewhere (zoo, aquarium, Children’s museum, etc.) and hide it in an egg? We plan to start one at our local zoo this year.

  • Life Lessons—Richard and I plan to fill a couple of eggs with some words of advice (kid appropriate, of course) that we can later glue into her bible for her to read when she’s older. To make it fun, we’re not telling the other what we plan to write so we can be surprised Easter morning.

Do you have some awesome ideas to add? Let me know in the comments!


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