New Decade, New Goals. Happy New Year!


Happy New Year, friends! I have to say, I’ve been looking forward to 2020. There’s just something about new beginnings (or in this case, new decades) that can reset you and light that fire to create new goals and just go for them. With that in mind, I’ve been giving my New Year’s Resolutions some deep thought.

This year, I decided to focus on ones that will not only benefit me, but also benefit specific people in my life.

My Husband

Go On More Dates. We both vowed this year we’d find a good babysitter and go out just the two of us for once. Currently, we’ve only let certain family members watch our daughter and since they all live in Virginia, it’s left very little room for alone time. But we’re going to get past our anxiety and just do it! Even if it’s just to catch an early movie and make it back before Ellie even notices 🙈

For My Family

Take More Social Media Breaks. Before I became a stay at home mom, I worked in digital media—specifically social media. So, being on those platforms 24/7 became second nature and a horrible habit now that it’s not even necessary. I find myself getting lost in the scrolling and missing things right in front of me. To the point that I’ve been called out for it multiple times. So, for 2020 I plan to sign off completely on the weekends and focus on being more present with my family.

For My Daughter

Learn How to French Braid Hair. I have about a thousand different goals for my daughter this year, but I wanted to pick something that I can work on continuously and improve over time. And yes, I’ve never learned how to french braid hair. I understand the steps, but never managed to drum up enough patience to finish the task and just went for the messy bun instead. So, when my daughter asks me to do her hair one day, I got her!


Find More Ways to be Kind. Don’t get me wrong, my first instinct with anyone and everyone is to be kind. I was raised to be miss manners. What I mean by this is that I want to be better at going out of my way to be kind more often. I, like everyone else, get caught up in my own little world and my own todo lists without really paying attention to anyone around me. So, this year, I want to be more aware of “kindness opportunities” whether it’s volunteering or just being there for a stranger. I have a daughter watching me now, and I’d want her to embrace these moments too.

The World

Use Less Single-Use Plastic. Now, I don’t say this to start a climate change debate. We all have our opinions, but I think we all can agree that we can do better and be more aware of what we use day-to-day. I’m starting small—saying no to straws in restaurants and plastic bags at stores, using reusable water bottles more, and avoiding ziplock bags when I can.


  1. Wake up earlier.

  2. Write more.

  3. Budget smarter.

  4. Listen to more podcasts that inspire me.

  5. Buy only clothes that I absolutely need.

  6. Learn a new skill.

  7. Complete master bedroom design before 2021! (For background, we’ve never had a “finished” master bedroom since it was always last on our priority list).

… and about 1,000 others that I’m sure I’ll add down the line.

What are your goals for 2020 (or the new decade as a whole)? Add in the comments!
