How to Design a Rainbow-Themed Playroom

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I’m excited to finally be able to share our new playroom! It took me a little longer than expected, but… holidays. Then the influx of new toys that needed to be organized. Plus, I changed my mind A LOT on some details (you can see my original inspiration here). However, I think my overall vision came to life in this design and it’s now one of my favorite rooms to hang out in. Honestly, it’s a room our entire family has been gravitating towards lately. It’s just cozy and playful. Which I guess is what you want out of a kid’s room. 


For this design, I used a lot of furniture from our townhome. Mainly because its furniture Ellis is already used to and it’s cheaper to use what you have than buy new. Also, I love these couches. They can be rearranged so many different ways (even beds if we need them for guests) and are low and durable for kids to easily pull themselves up on. We got them at West Elm four years ago. I also reused our old media consul and our cubed storage unit—both are for toy storage.

The biggest change from my mood board is the shelving. I was planning on getting shelves from Ikea and painting them bright colors. I ultimately decided to tone down the rainbow brightness a bit and go with these cloud-shaped shelves from Target, and then last minute, I found these gold basket shelves to balance the room out a little bit more (+ more storage options!).

I also nixed the rainbow banner. I might go back to it, but ultimately I want to start incorporating Ellis’ own art into the room when she starts grasping the concept of crafts more. It’s her playroom after all, so she should have a “say” in the design, right? My last change was the paint color. I couldn’t find the one I originally wanted so opted to go with a color I used in the past and loved—Behr Adobe Sand.

Btw… this is what the room looked like before (image is from the home’s original listing):


And now…


I’m sure I’ll make more changes as we use the space more, but for now, it’s our go-to room for fun and hanging out together. And she loves it (as you can tell)!


Shop Our Playroom

P.S. I will share a post featuring our most-played with toys soon—many of which are stored or shown here in our playroom. Stay tuned!
