Dear 30, I Think We’re Going to Be Great Friends


This week, I turn 30. And despite spending my last few days as a 20-something sick, I’m not too upset about it. Call me crazy, but I’m actually excited about it. I’ve accomplished a lot in my 20’s that I didn’t expect to and I made more mistakes than I’d like to admit. But that’s what your 20’s are for—living on your own, trying new things, learning from your mistakes, and figuring out who you are in this crazy world.

I’m ready for the next step. I want to try more new things. I want to take those learnings and grow even more. I want to take on the world!

This last year has made me more confident than I’ve ever been in my life. I want to take my newfound confidence and go for something BIG this next decade—or even multiple big things!

[Side note – why does it take us to hit this age to find this amount of confidence and love in ourselves? Seriously, I don’t know why I was so scared of it as a teenager (and as a 20-something, if I’m being honest)? Lesson to you younger folks out there—don’t wait to be my age to start trusting in yourself, your choices, or your skills. Harness them!]

As some of you may know, I quit my job last fall to be a stay at home mom (more on that here). At the time, it was temporary, but after a few months of job searching, interviews, and crippling anxiety from the thought of putting my daughter in daycare (and the costs), I said “enough.” Even though I love digital media and will continue to geek out on it, I’m ready for a new path.

Which path? No clue. Still figuring that part out. In the meantime, I’m going to let things fall into place and enjoy the moments a little more—and hopefully fate will step in and give me some inspiration to go for that something BIG. That’s my birthday wish this year. Here’s to 30!
