Dear #FitMoms, My Postpartum Body is Not Your Moneymaker


Something’s been bugging me lately and I finally decided to say something about it. And, sadly, other moms will know exactly what I’m talking about… and that’s this new trend of #fitmoms on Instagram.

I’m not talking about those awesome moms who are using Instagram to motivate themselves to workout more and stay healthy. I’m talking about this new age, “let’s get our bodies back for the low, low price of $__” community of moms you see all over social media. Basically, how it works is, you’ll get approached by one of these #fitmoms asking you to join their network of other moms trying to get fit post-baby. Sounds cool. A support system of women who understand what you’re going through. Great! The catch? You have to pay to join. And in some cases, continually pay for new workout/health programs as you go along.


Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for women supporting women. And I do think some of these #fitmom communities are doing just that. However, most of the time, this is not the case—at least from what I’ve experienced and from what I’ve heard from fellow moms.

Mainly because… they just don’t fucking get it. They don’t understand that when they approach a new mom and ask her what her fitness goals are now that she’s no longer pregnant, they’re perpetuating this endless cycle of women trying to be perfect. I mean, don’t we get that shit enough? I just made a human, of course my body is going to be in shambles compared to what I’m used to. I don’t need you to remind me, let alone make me feel bad about it.

Also, why is this a priority just weeks after giving birth? No lie, I was approached less than one week after I had Ellis. ONE WEEK! I’m not even cleared to get out of bed right now so no, I will not be paying for your 8-week workout plan. This time should be spent bonding with your new baby. Figuring out breastfeeding, pumping, or the right formula to use. Getting as much sleep as possible. NOT getting your abs back!

Not to mention, new moms should be damn proud of their postpartum bodies. Plain and simple!

So, to all the #fitmoms out there, please think about the message you send when you approach new moms. Especially with the holidays in full swing and the new year resolutions coming. Are you offering them a sisterhood? Or are you just trying to make money off their insecurities?


**Disclaimer - not all of my interactions with #fitmoms have been negative. Some have been downright pleasant, never pressured me to join their community, and continue to engage with me and vice versa. To me, these women are doing it right and I encourage others to follow their lead.
