Home Projects We Have Planned for 2020

With a new home, I have about 1,000+ project ideas I want to do and it’s been super difficult to nail down the ones I want to focus on first, but alas, I need to in order to plan and budget. And I think writing everything down will help me stay focused and prioritize better throughout the year. Because 12 months is not a long time when you’re talking about a forever home. 


On to the list...

Ellis’ Toddler Room

As I said in a recent Instagram tour of our home, we plan to move Ellis to the room across the hall. It’s bigger and honestly, a better fit for her than the room she’s currently in. We also plan to transition her to a toddler bed at the same time (I’ll explain why in another project below). Which I know isn’t the best idea, but I think it’ll be worth it down the road (I’m already preparing for the sleepless nights as she adjusts though 🤦🏻‍♀️). For this reason, we plan to keep the same woodland theme we had for her nursery. It will be familiar to her and all of the decor we have is adorable and special, so I have no intention of getting rid of it. However, I do plan to tone down the bright colors I did before and keep it more neutral so it’s a room she can easily grow in. 

Our Master Bedroom

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to have a finished master bedroom before the end of the year. Why? Well in every apartment or home we’ve lived in, the master bedroom always ended up as last priority, design-wise. So, I’m determined not to let that happen in this home! Luckily, all of the furniture is already set. So, most of the work we want to do this year is painting and wall decor. We eventually want to change the flooring and add a barn door that leads to the bathroom, but that probably won’t happen until we remodel the master bathroom (which will be a LONG time from now). So, this year, we’ll just be focusing on the basics! And as a fun preview, I’m basing the entire design from this rug

Second Nursery

If things go to plan, we hope to have another baby within the next year or so. This is why we’re planning to switch Ellis to a toddler bed (and her new room) by her second birthday. We’d like to save money and use the same crib/dresser for any future kid and give Ellis a little more independence and sense of ownership with her new room. You know, before we completely shake her world with a sibling. 

Anyways, in classic Jordan fashion, I already have a theme ready for this nursery. Which I know could change, but I’m pretty excited about this one. I want to do a “vintage west coast surfing” theme. Think wooden surfboards, California beaches, vintage photographs, maybe even have the classic VW Bus implemented somewhere. Richard’s originally from southern California so I’ve always wanted to incorporate that part of him in our home somehow. And if you haven’t figured it out by now, we’re beach people

Basement Layout/Storage

Our basement is currently in the process of switching from bachelor man cave to more of a family-friendly space... with lots of different sections. When everything is done, we hope the basement will include a guest suite, a media/playroom, our office, our gym, and storage for tools and beach gear. Sounds crazy right? It’s going to be intimidating but I think we can do it! But first priority is managing our storage solutions because we’re still living in boxes down there, so we just ordered cabinets and will install them later this month. I’ll share details then!


Ok, before anyone says anything… I do NOT have a green thumb. It’s black. I can’t keep any plant alive. However, we inherited some landscaping issues with this house that have to be fixed at some point - including some dead trees that were apparently planted to piss off some neighbors back in the day 🤷🏻‍♀️I don’t know. We’ve only been here two months and I’m already hearing stories from the neighborhood. Anyways… we’re looking to get those trees removed, possibly have more planted, and we want to explore planting bushes in our front yard to kick up the curb appeal a little. Nothing crazy, but maintaining land is such a foreign concept to me, it’s intimidating just the same.

I’ll have a bunch of small projects in between, I’m sure, but for now, these are our big ones on the horizon for 2020! What big projects are you thinking about for the year?
