My New Favorite White Paint

We’ve been slowly updating the Wyles Farmhouse room by room, and recently, we decided to give our dining room a little refresh with some paint! I was originally stuck with this room because I’m not a big fan of dining rooms in the first place. For me, they’re kind of a waste of space because they’re only used on special occasions, and even then, we don’t take advantage. But, we bought the house furnished and can’t make many changes to the space right now since we have other rooms we want to tackle this year.

I eventually want to turn it into something completely different. Right now, my dream is to create a library/music room since we will be inheriting my old baby grand piano when my parents are ready to part with it (crossing fingers it’s in a few years so I can get my daughter started in lessons sooner rather than later 🤞🏼). Plus, I’ve always wanted a library in my home. I blame Belle from Beauty and the Beast.


Anyways… for now, I have to live with a dining room for awhile. And my first step was to brighten it up! Originally, I was going to keep the green and paint the wooden trim white, but decided I should give the wood look a chance (because once I paint it, I can’t go back!). When the day comes to turn the space into a library, we’ll be removing all of the wooden trim anyway, so might as well enjoy it now, right? So, the dark green had to go!

We went with Sherwin-Williams Downy for the walls, and honestly, it’s my new favorite white! It’s not too bright like a lot of whites can be (or headache-inducing). This one has a very warm, creamy feel to it. I love it so much, I’m considering for part of Ellis’ toddler room make over (coming soon!).


I haven’t decided if I want to keep the chandelier yet. Some days I like it and other days I want to take it down immediately. And some days I just want to spray paint it black and take off the “crystals” for a little contrast. For now, I’m trying to ignore it until inspiration strikes 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’m also going to leave the walls bare for awhile and just enjoy the brightness. I’m sure I’ll do something soon enough, but knowing this space might be a library one day, I don’t want to get too attached to anything.

So, lesson for the day? White paint makes everything better!
