Ellis' Woodland Toddler Room Update

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It’s been awhile guys! If you follow along on Instagram, you know things have been a little crazy around the Wyles house (and it’s not just because of the quarantine). We announced that we’re having another baby! Our little boy, Jack, will be arriving in October—yep, we’re having a boy! I’m still shocked and I hope to share more of our pregnancy journey soon, but today I want to share all of the progress we’ve made on Ellis’ new “big girl” room.

For background, here is our mood board/inspiration for this room and why we decided to move Ellie to a new room to begin with.

As you can see, we made some changes to the original plan. The big one is that we decided to not move Ellie to a toddler bed. She’s staying in her crib. I realized moving her to a toddler bed now was impractical and honestly, dumb. 1) why waste money on a toddler bed when we will inevitably move her to a twin or full one day? By skipping the toddler bed (although the one we liked is adorable and perfect for smaller rooms!), we also don’t have to buy another crib mattress for Jack and 2) Jack will spend the first 6 months of his life sleeping in a bassinet next to our bed, so why am I rushing Ellis out of the crib if she can use it another year (at least).

Another big change is that we didn’t do the full accent wall we planned—yet. With the quarantine keeping us at home, we thought it was a bad idea to start a project that would require us to go back and forth to Lowe’s to get supplies and materials. So, that part of the project has been put on hold until things are a little less crazy.

And one last change is the accent wall paint color. I changed it to Valspar Soft Pink last minute because I realized it was a better match to the rug we bought for the room.

Other than that, the room has stuck to the original mood board and I’m really excited with how it turned out! I get emotional every time I go in because it’s officially the room my girl will grow up in. Could be the hormones, but the idea still gives me comfort 😊


Fun fact: these old children’s books used to belong to my dad. It makes me happy to share them with my kids… even if they’re holding on by threads.


I want to do something different with her closet doors other than paint and change out hardware. Maybe a design that will match the accent wall we eventually plan to do?


This was a quick DIY I did with some extra paint. I cut a sponge into the half-moon shape and went to town. This idea was inspired by Within the Grove and I only spent money on the frame.


What’s left to do…

  • My number one thing is the carpet—it’s gotta go! We planned to replace our carpet this year, but with the quarantine, we decided to move that to next year’s budget. We have the spaces all measured out and we picked the carpet we want (picture a light taupe color), we just have to wait.

  • Paint the trim. We actually have to do this for the entire upstairs. The only reason we haven’t started is because the paint we need to match the downstairs is a Benjamin Moore brand and it’s not as easy to get right now compared to the Lowes or The Home Depot brands. We also want to do this before we get new carpet because why risk getting paint on new carpet?

  • We also plan to change out the blinds in the entire house, but again, budget. I might install some curtains in the meantime to brighten her window up a bit. If you’re looking for blinds right now, we LOVE these. With pets and kids, these are the most durable (and safe). We put them up in our townhome and made a huge difference!

  • Organize her closet.

  • Add in some greenery (fake, of course, because we have cats who destroy everything!).

  • Other minor touch-ups/decor ideas.

Shop Our Toddler Room

  • Crib - our crib is actually the crib I used as a baby. It’s a Bassett brand so I can vouch for their quality (at least for their 1989 merchandise!).

  • “Big Girl Bed” - even though we aren’t moving her to a full-sized bed for another year, I’m already researching bed frames. Right now, I’m leaning towards one like this or this.

  • Bookcase - my parents’ friends actually repurposed this one for us. I believe it used to be a dollhouse. I cried like a baby when I saw it at our baby shower.

  • Camp Ellis sign - my sister-in-law made this. However, here’s a similar one you can paint/stain yourself. I believe she used a Cricut to make the stencils to paint with. I’ve never used one, but I’ve been very curious about them. Are they worth it?

  • Dresser - this was actually left with the house, so we decided to keep it. Here’s a similar one.

  • Watercolor woodland prints. I got the frames from Michaels during a BOGO 50% sale (they have them all the time!).

  • Rug (5x7).

  • Rocking chair. We actually just ordered another one, but in tan, for Jack’s room. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this rocking chair! There’s a reason it’s on my list of top baby purchases.

  • Tree stump side table.

  • Lamp - Target no longer sells this one, but I’m thinking of moving it back to Jack’s room and getting a black floor lamp in here instead, maybe this one.

  • Fox pillow. We also have a body pillow one, but Target doesn’t sell it anymore. They DO have a bear one though!

  • Floral circle pillow.

  • Owl basket.

  • Crib sheet and blanket.

  • Mobile.

  • Dockatot and Slumberkins. Also on my top baby purchase list!

If you have any questions about the design, let me know in the comments! And of course, follow along since we’ll be making lots of updates to this room (and others) soon!
